What is data structure? What is Data? Why Data structure is important in computer field???
Let us Assume you completed high school and
decided to join college…
College Admin will collect and verify your documents.
After verification, Admin will store your
documents in their document storage area.
You studied very well in your college days.
And finally you got the degree.
After completion of your degree, you are going to meet Admin and asking for your documents.
Admin will search for your documents in document storage area.
After finding your documents, Admin will give
it to you..
How Admin found your documents immediately
without taking more time???
Lets see how Admin put your documents in
document storage area.
Rack is arranged by year wise.Each and every rack is divided by row. Each row is allocated to separate department as shown in below. So that admin can take your document
whenever u need without any confusion that where to search.
If suppose you joined CSE department in 2006,
admin will go to 2006 rack and select the CSE department row and search for your documents. Definitely admin will get your documents.
The structure will be vary depends upon the
admin/requirement. Above structure will be changed to below. But important is,
document should be taken immediately without any delay.
Data Structure:
Lets talk about data structure. Document
storage area in above explanation is data structure. Data structure is the way
of storing the data in a manner so that we can access those data easily at later time.
Data Structure Definition from Wikipedia
In computer science, a data structure is a
particular way of storing and organizing data in a computer so that it can be used
What is Data?
In our example, your document is data.
Lets talk about Gmail Login page You entered your username as “iampandiyan” and
password as ”xxxxxx” and click “Sign In” Button.
Google will do some operation using with
both “iampandiyan” and “xxxxxx” to load your Gmail account.
“iampandiyan” and “xxxxxx” is data. Google should
store these data in a structured manner so that Google can search and load your
Gmail account properly without taking of more time. Google may maintain the
structure like below to store every information/data.
Gmail Account Path
Data- Definition
In Common, Data is a information in raw or unorganized form(such as alphabets,
numbers, or symbols) that refer to, or represent, conditions, ideas, or
In Computer, Data is information processed or stored by a computer. This
information may be in the form of text documents, images, audio clips, software
programs, or other types of data. Computer data may be processed by the
computer's CPU and is
stored in files and folders on the computer's hard disk..
Why data structure is important in computer field????
Lets go back to our example. If suppose
admin doesn't use any structure to store students document, what will happen??? Admin collect your documents and through it into
the storage area, storage area will look like this.
Whenever you asking for your documents, What
will admin do??? See below image.
Its difficult to search your document if it
is not stored in structured manner. So storing the data is very important. So
that u can access it later efficiently.
If You don’t know how to store/handle the
data in your program, you cant write a good program.
So data structure is very important concept
in computer field.
I hope you got some understand about What is data
structure? What is data? and Why data structure is important in computer field…. Thanks for your visit to this blog.
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